a project


Enables integration with OpenTelemetry tracing facilities, using opentelemetry-go .

When enabled, it will propagate an existing trace context or initialize a new one.

It uses gRPC as an exporter protocol and W3C tracecontext and baggage as propagators.

The trace ID is added to access logs as the standard traceID field.


tracing {
	[span <span_name>]
  • <span_name> is a span name. Please see span naming guidelines.

    Placeholders may be used in span names; keep in mind that tracing happens as early as possible, so only request placeholders may be used, and not response placeholders.


Environment variables

It can be configured using the environment variables defined by the OpenTelemetry Environment Variable Specification.

For the exporter configuration details, please see spec.

For example:

export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="myAuthHeader=myToken,anotherHeader=value"
export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_ENDPOINT=https://my-otlp-endpoint:55680


Here is a Caddyfile example: {
	handle /api* {
		tracing {
			span api
		reverse_proxy localhost:8081

	handle {
		tracing {
			span app
		reverse_proxy localhost:8080