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Evaluates a group of directives mutually exclusively from other handle blocks at the same level of nesting.

In other words, when multiple handle directives appear in sequence, only the first matching handle block will be evaluated. A handle with no matcher acts like a fallback route.

The handle directives are sorted according to the directive sorting algorithm by their matchers. The handle_path directive is a special case which sorts at the same priority as a handle with a path matcher.

Handle blocks can be nested if needed. Only HTTP handler directives can be used inside handle blocks.


handle [<matcher>] {
  • <directives...> is a list of HTTP handler directives or directive blocks, one per line, just like would be used outside of a handle block.

Similar directives

There are other directives that can wrap HTTP handler directives, but each has its use depending on the behavior you want to convey:

  • handle_path does the same as handle, but it strips a prefix from the request before running its handlers.

  • handle_errors is like handle, but is only invoked when Caddy encounters an error during request handling.

  • route wraps other directives like handle does, but with two distinctions:

    1. route blocks are not mutually exclusive to each other,
    2. directives within a route are not re-ordered, giving you more control if needed.


Handle requests in /foo/ with the static file server, and other requests with the reverse proxy: {
	handle /foo/* {

	handle {

You can mix handle and handle_path in the same site, and they will still be mutually exclusive from each other: {
	handle_path /foo/* {
		# The path has the "/foo" prefix stripped

	handle /bar/* {
		# The path still retains "/bar"

You can nest handle blocks to create more complex routing logic: {
	handle /foo* {
		handle /foo/bar* {
			# This block only matches paths under /foo/bar

		handle {
			# This block matches everything else under /foo/

	handle {
		# This block matches everything else (acts as a fallback)